
מציג פוסטים מתאריך יולי, 2021

5 stars Amazon reviews - The Day After, Shani Roffeh

  רי There are 5 stars Amazon reviews that you are not ready for, and this is one of them! Thank you soooo much Mary ""I've lived a life that's full I traveled each and every highway And more, much more I did it, I did it my way” Frank Sinatra’s all-time classic, “My Way” is Noa’s favorite song, one that speaks to her heart with a most profound message. These words reflect the fight she has given throughout her life in order to accept and love herself against the cruelty of an unforgiving world that rejects hope and dignity. “The Day After” follows Noa’s story through the chapters of her life that made her the strong, charismatic, and successful woman that she is. A woman that has conquered the Law’s arena, and continues to light the flame of innovation around the world. Her true story is full of twists and turns that will leave you second-guessing and enthralled from the very first page. Dr. Shani Roffeh is such a skilled writer. She knows how to draw on personal exp